A community based charity
Board of Directors
Wings for Falmouth Families is operated solely by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors who meet monthly and communicate throughout the year to review aid applicants, encourage interest and financial support, oversee programs and events, provide fiduciary financial oversight and provide strategic planning for the long-term viability of the organization.
local families with minor children an immediate safety net of financial assistance during a time of medical crisis.
parents to focus on their number one priority – the person who has just become ill, and not worry about how to pay the monthly bills.
a family during a devastating time by showing them their community cares.

Board of Directors
Crystal Knowlton
Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Brenda Clements
Vice President
Health & Physical Education Teacher, Falmouth High School
Past Co-President, North Falmouth PTO
Tom Bushy
Principal, Lawrence Junior High
Town Meeting Member
President, Falmouth Youth Lacrosse
Peter Allenby
Treasurer & Finance Committee
Financial Services Representative, New York Life
Aid Committee
Virginia Brodeur
Aid Committee Chair
Retired, Falmouth Hospital Emergency Room Nurse
Kara Anne Galasso-Garcia
Aid Committee
Executive Director, Bourne Housing Authority
Falmouth Town Meeting Member
Lydia Swain
Executive Administrative Assistant, Rockland Trust Co.
Past Falmouth Road Race Team Captain, Falmouth Service Center
Maria Zuniga
Care Coordinator, Family Service Association
Marketing Committee
Nikki DeiCicchi
Marketing Consultant, Bulldog Digital Marketing
Saramae Varvaro
Reading Specialist, Mullen Hall Elementary
Committee Member BSA Troop 38, North Falmouth, MA
Grant Committee
Beth Keating
Educator, Lawrence Junior High School
Treasurer, MA Fusion Softball Club
Past Finance Council Member, St. Anthony’s Church
Committee Members
Kristin Gonsalves
Rockland Trust Branch Manager
Travis Mapp
Educator, Alma del Mar Charter School
Jennifer Murphy
Director of Catering and Conference Planning, Sea Crest Resort
Lisa & Eric Asendorf
Founder & Community Outreach